Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Question 5

I think getting honest feedback from a range of people who I thought fit the target audience was really useful as it makes me look at points which I hadn't thought of before. Like I said I believe my magazine was successful because generally people found it conventional and only 1 out of the 10 said they didn't think it fit the target audience which was because they would have like to have seen more rock bands, rather than just the indie/alternative side.

9/10 people found the colour scheme effective, they said this was because it connoted the idea of Rock 'n' Roll as they associated Red/Black with Rock 'n' Rock.

I think if I could make the biggest improvement on any part of my magazine it would be my double page spread as people found this the least conventional. They said I could improve it by, spacing out my pull quotes and maybe adding a title at the top to say "Main feature"

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