Monday, 17 December 2012

Sixth Draft

This is my sixth draft. I've changed back the saturation/hue as I like the original lighting of the image.
I've changed the colour of the artists lips to a more darker red which matches with the red in the colour scheme. I did this buy selecting the lips, then selecting image - adjustments - Hue/Saturation where I experimented with colours.

Draft Five

This is my fifth draft, As you can see I've changed the style of the text by added a black shadow which makes it stand out more. I've also placed them in my right third. I experimented with the hue/saturation in my image, to give it more of a retro look, however I don't think it looks conventional to a magazine.
To Improve:
  •    Change saturation/hue.

Draft Four

I've changed the colour of my plug to black and added an effect which makes it look like fire. I've also darkened my header and footer to make it stand out more.
I've moved my cover lines as well but I'm still not happy with it.

To Improve:

  • Cover Lines

Draft Three

This is my third draft, I've used the same font as my title for my main feature "Jessica" as it makes it looks more conventional. I've removed the colour blue from my colour scheme as it didn't look conventional to Indie/Rock. I've used a black background on my pull quotes to make them bolder and it looks more edgy. I've changed my plug so it doesn't look conventional to pop.

To Improve:

  • Layout of features

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Draft Two

Here you can see my second draft, I've made the colour scheme darker and changed the title font by using I've also added a header and footer which I think looks conventional to an alternative magazine. However I still don't like the layout of the other features and I need to change the font of "Jessica" because it doesn't look conntinious to everything else.
I also think the plug looks like it belongs in a magazine along the lines of the pop genre so I will also change that.

  • Layout of features
  • Plug
  • Font

Draft 2 Process

Here you can see the process I went through to create my second draft.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Draft One

This is my first draft of my music magazine front cover although I like the image, I don't like the font as I don't think it fits the genre of Music which I've chosen and it isn't very conventional to magazine.
I don't think the layout is very conventional either, as the pull quote and other features looks amateur. However I do like the placing of my footer and the style of font it is, so I may use this for the rest of the feature on my cover.
Moreover I like the title of my magazine, however I'm still going to experiement with different fonts, to see if I can get a more rebellious look.
I think the colour scheme is good as the primary colours contrasts and it also conveys that the main feature artists is British.

To Improve:

  • Features Font
  • Layout
  • Different fonts for title.

Draft One Process

This is the process for my first draft on my music magazine front cover. As you can see I've experimented with photoshop, however I can improve my magazine front cover alot.

Text for Magazine

I picked these text fromt I think they're conventional to the genre of magazine I have picked because they look a bit unruly and a bit rebellious/bold.

I like the faded/cracked look which is simillar to Kerrang! as it suggests that the magazine is for people who are wild and it reflects the title of the magazine being Crunch.

Music Magazine: Front Cover Potential Images

  • These are the potential images for my front cover, I like the first one because of the lighting as it looks like the sun is setting on the model and reflects well with the flowers in her hair and the guitar which holds giving off a hippie look; for examples she could be sat round a camp fire singing.
  • Number two makes the artists look like she is dominating, however she is modest about her new rise to stardom.I don't see this image as very conventional for a magazine.
  • Like number one, number three and six has the sunset toned lighting however I think the model looks too angelic it and it doesn't look as appropiate for an indie genre magazine.
  • Moreover I like number 4 because the artist looks relaxed and looks to have a bit of an ego. The background is fairly dominant which could suggest she is all over the news and that she likes it.
  • Number 5 would be good to use if her hair wasn't in her face as much because it has a gothic look which contrasts with the flowers in her hair.
  • Number 7 is the same as number one however the lighting is different on the left side of the artist and it's not as dark, so it suggests much more innocence than number 1.
  • I don't like number 8 because the models top blends to much with the background, however it could look good as it looks the media is taking over her.
  • In number 9 and 10 I like how the red lighting reflects on her hair giving it different tones which suggests a wild side, as red conveys rebellion and it also looks as if she has dyed her hair to be like that.
  • I don't like the lighting in 11 and 12 because it makes the artist look pale and ill and she doesn't look comfortable so I would use these two.
  • In number 13 I think the models clothes blend in with the background and she looks pale so I wouldn't use this one either.