Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Contents Page and Double Page Spread Possible images

Contents Page
Double Page Spread

These are my possible images for my contents and double page spread.
I think I will chose the 2nd image for my contents page because the artists is looking up which has a kind of angelic image, and she looks like she is thinking and engaged with her music.
Double Page Spread
I think for my double page spread I will either choose the image with the microphone because I like the angle or the image with her looking at her guitar because once again she looks engaged with her music.

General Analysis Of Double Page Spread

General Analysis Of Contents Page

Conventions Of A Double Page Spread

Conventions Of Contents Page

Monday, 26 November 2012

Media Studies - Photo shoot

This is a video which I created with footage from my Music Magazine photo shoot. The song accompanying it, is "Walcott" by Vampire Weekend, which is another band which relates to the genre of my magazine.

In the photo shoot I experimented with lighting and costume, as well different camera angles to find the picture for the front cover of my magazine.

Lighting Ideas

I like the lighting in this image with Beyonce as it's as the sun highlights her hair and gives her an angelic look, which fits with the colour of clothing she is wearing as it's white which conveys innocence.

I also like the lighting in this image as it gives Adele a look of perfection, as her face is lit to highlight her cheek bones and it helps to bring out the dark make up which also highlights her eyes. 

Another Idea which I had for lighting was a bright lighting which gives off a yellowish tone so it's looks like sunset on the artist which gives them a superior but angelic look. 

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Practise images

Long Shot -
I wouldn't use this image as you can see the green wall and carpet which loses the concept of having a huge wall full of articles on it.

Medium Shot

Medium Shot - I wouldn't use this image as the model is to the left of the picture which is really conventional or professional. The camera needs to placed so she's in the middle.

Digital Mock Up - Front Cover

This is a digital mock up for my Magazine, the photo used is one used when practising with the cameras and I wouldn't neccesarily use it as it doesn't fit with the genre of the magazine. However I like the background and the lighting as it looks original and the background could convey that the artist is always in the news/spotlight . I also think I will use the colour scheme of Red, yellow and black as Red is generally associated with "Rock" n "Roll", yellow which connotes "Danger" and Black which conveys mystery and power. These fit with the genre of music I have chosen Indie Rock/Alternative because they're generally associated with being rebellious and causing anarchy.


After researching Demographics, and finalisng ideas on who my target audience are (Skilled workers and below, between the age of 15-25, both Male and Female) I've come to the conclusion that a good price for the magazine would be £1.50 as magazines such as More/Look are priced at this and they're aimed at skilled workers and below. This is also cheaper than magazines like Kerrang! and NME which are based round the same genre at they price between £2.20-£2.30.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Behind The Scenes - One Direction

I like the idea of recording the photo shoot as seen in the one above, as it shows progress and ideas which may not be used for the front cover.

It also gives a real sense of what happens behind the scenes in professional photo shoots and also helps to decide the placing of the lighting etc.

Moodboard For Make Up

I picked these image to showcase the style of make up which I'm going for. I like the dark lipsticks as it conveys messages of rebellion and the darker reds are also connoted as sexy. Moreover the dark smokey eye make up bring out the eyes and it also makes the model look mysterious and lustful. Moreover I like the natural looking skin without much foundation and blusher as it gives the sense that the model holds a natural beauty.

Costume Designs For Magazine

These are my initial costume ideas, as you can see I've put a small description around each idea.

All costumes show a variation of styles within the rock industry from Indie Rock to Alternative.

Hand Drawn Mock Ups

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Genre/Audience - Jack's Mannequin "The Mixed Tape"

Jack's Mannequin is an American Rock Band, I've also chosen this band to represent the audience as it suggests that the music featured in the magazine is not only of British Origin.

The Video also Features Hilarie Burton as the character of "Peyton" which is from One Tree Hill, which implies that people who listen to Indie/Rock music may enjoying watching "One Tree Hill" which is a Teen Drama, heavily based around Music especially Rock/Alternative. Bands such as Fall Out Boy have featured on the show which is band that featured on my moodboard.

Both "Jack Mannequin" "Fall Out Boy" and "General Fiasco" as well as "One Tree Hill" suggests that my main target audience ranges between "15-25" as between these ages many people begin to go to gigs and "One Tree Hill" started in 2003 where many of there original viewers who would not be mid 20's carried on watching up until the final episode in Spring this year therefore they also fit into the target audience.

Music Genre - General Fiasco "Waves"

I went to go see this band a few weeks ago, when they supported Little Comets, there music really fits with the genre of music which my magazine aims at (Indie Rock). 

Reader Profile

This is my readers profile, the images shopw what my audience are interesting apart from the music in the magazine. It also shows Key Stats

Friday, 9 November 2012

Locations for Photoshoot

Front Page, Contents Page and Double Page Spread ICT Mock Up

Initial Ideas

I like the name Crunch for a magazine title because in Musical terms it means: 

Crunch: used to describe a specific type of highly distorted electric guitar tone used in heavy metal and thrash metal music, typically by the rhythm guitarist. When played with palm muting, it creates a characteristic heavy rhythmic sound. - Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_jazz_and_popular_music

Uses And Gratification Theory

Uses And Gratification Theory 
Definition: An audience-centred approach to the study of Media effects.

Social Backgrounds and Psychological disposition influence general habits of media use and the expectations about the benefits offered by the media. These in turn form particular choices of media e.g. what programme to watch on television. Assessments of the benefits from those choices then follow, and those benefits may be applied in other areas of the audience members life.

Source: Media & Film Studies Handbook by Vivienne Clark, Peter Jones, Bill Malyszko and David Wharton; Published in 2007.

This theory emerged in the 1950’s in the book by “Arthur Asa Berger” called “Media Analysis Techniques” where he said as audience how we may react to media such as: To be amused, To experience the beautiful and to find distraction and diversion etc.

Source: Advanced Studies in Media – Joe Nicholas, John Price; Published in 1998.]

Bulmer and Katz do not take a prescriptive and predictive perspective on media effects. As they believe that the individual will be attracted to Media which aims at their personal needs and goals e.g. social background, likes, dislikes etc.

In 1974 Bulmer and Katz decide to expand previous theories by Lasswell who said audiences where made up of individuals who actively consume Media texts for different reasons and in different ways and Berger to say that as well as media texts following functions of; Surveillance, Correlation, entertainment and cultural transmission like Lasswell had said in 1948. The two theorists added that individuals may choose a text or more modern day devices such as a television series due to the need for a diversion, to get away from personal relationships, to help find your own self  in reflective texts and television series and for surveillance e.g. new reports, weather, financial etc. 

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Focus Group


Mood board for music magazine

I've created this mood board to express the genre of music which I plan on putting into my magazine, which is Alternative Rock and Indie Music. I've also got examples of double page spreads I like the layouts of and fonts such as Kerrang! where I can get inspiration from.

In addition I have a Leeds/Reading festival poster as this is an idea for a competition I could use in a plug.


Audience Research